Who else envisioned conscious communities and where are they?

Apart from Plato many other conscious beings had their own visions for a “Kallipoli”. Some of them were the renowned Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda, the Teacher Aivanhof, Mother Teresa and others. On earth already there are many communities where people live in harmony for more than 20 years. Some of them are members of Global Ecovillage Networks (GEN)




We need to move forward, not only us who are here, but thousands of young people need to go north, south, east and west and cover the earth with small neighborhoods proving that the simplicity of life and high ideals lead to the highest happiness!

The environment is stronger than the human will

Gather those of you who have common and high ideals, gather your resources, buy land in the countryside. A simple life will bring you inner freedom. Harmony with nature will bring you joy that few people in the city know. In the company of others who are also looking for the truth, it will be easier to meditate and grow.

Brotherhood is an ideal that can only be better understood if one experiences it in the way one lives. A small team that works together harmoniously can inspire other ideal neighborhoods around the world.



When we collect the sun’s rays with a magnifying glass we can create fire. When consciously determined people come together in numbers, they will become like the sun’s rays gathering at one point and it will be possible to soften even the hardest hearts.

Why open up to a collective? For many reasons, one of them is because a neighborhood that lives up to its values ​​offers its members the best conditions to transform and evolve. Those who are left alone and want to improve themselves do not always have the will to make the effort while it is easier in a collective to be supported. Yes, the environment has a huge impact on us. If we accept that bad companies have the power to lead people to make mistakes, why not accept that they have the power to do the right thing?

Sri Aurobindo και η Mητέρα (Mirra Alfassa)

From the 1910’s onwards, Sri Aurobindo and Mother expressed the need to give birth to a spiritual/ideal society at a propitious time and place. They have “no fixed preconceived mental plan” as to how to go about achieving this aim but know that ideas and means would come to them naturally – whenever time comes. In 1912, that is two years before meeting Sri Aurobindo for the first time, Mother wrote about the need for such a society and, to this end, about the need of two simultaneous transformations: that of its members and that of their social environment.